Episode 256. IT’S OUR 5TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW! We began during the 1st week of COVID-19 shutdowns and have been going ever since. Thanks for the support and patience. Author, Tom O’Neill joins us for commentary on the new Netflix documentary “Chaos,” which is the #3 movie in the country right now. Plus, all the news that’s fit to mock.
Watch Greg’s new special, “You Know Me” and subscribe on YouTube!
Email caption submissions to FitzdogRadio@gmail.com subject line: “Comic Contest”
Get the Sunday Papers coozie: Venmo: @gibbonstime $10 In the Venmo notes, put your name and address Get in touch (or send logos/songs): fitzdogradio@gmail.com
Find Mike on Venmo here: https://venmo.com/u/GibbonsTime
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