Moshe Kasher - Episode 1021

Episode 1021. Wait until you hear what the formerly debaucherous Moshe Kasher has to say about his time at Burning Man this year and the time he saved a guys life while I was on stage at The Comedy Store.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 182 9/17/23

Episode 182. The Jets break Mike’s heart, Boebert disrupts a musical, Bill Maher disrespects the strike and candidates streaming porn is the new stump speech. 

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Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Eddie Izzard - Episode 1020

Episode 1020. 25 years ago I was on my 2nd date with my now wife when we saw the phenomenal Eddie Izzard perform in NYC. So excited to have Eddie on to talk about Star Wars, the demise of the royal family and running 29 marathons back to back (3 times).

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 181 9/10/23

Episode 181. Delta flight has some diarrhea, The Boss calls in sick, a whorehouse is offering Mormons a discount and it’s the 125th anniversary of the 1st DUI!

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Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Annie Lederman - Episode 1019

Episode 1019. This week I welcome the always stylish and sometimes shocking Annie Lederman. We predict which comedians are going to explode this year and guess which ones are black. 

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 180 9/3/23

Episode 180. Trigger warning: lot of death in today's episode - and not just Mike's jokes about Florida. Another jet ski escape, McConnell’s poker face, and a cow in Nebraska riding shotgun.

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Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Erica Rhodes - Episode 1018

Episode 1018. Making her return to the show comic Erica Rhodes and I call Jonathon Katz Professional Therapist and talk about having the same birthday, the same alma mater, lived in the same neighborhood in Boston and were on the same meds.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 179 8/27/23

Episode 179. This week, Trump looks very serious, the Fyre Festival is back and a Chinese man escapes to S Korea on a jet ski. Also, we say goodbye to a friend of the show.

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Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Solo - Episode 1017

Episode 1017. In this week’s solo podcast we recap Hurricane Hilary and my trip to Ireland and Spain with the family. Good times.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 178 8/20/23

Episode 178. Greg is back! We talk about Oprah filming the victims in Hawaii, more biker accidents at the Sturgis rally, Kid Rock drinking Bud Light, and the reviews are in on Dennis Gubbins!

Support our sponsors: - use code PAPERS

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Jessimae Peluso - Episode 1016

Episode 1016. 1/3 of my #Venice3 gang, Jessimae Peluso, hangs out and talks about getting some tattoos removed and how prairie dogs get it on. Also some Buddhist wisdom at the end.

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Sunday Papers w/ Mike and Dennis Ep: 177 8/13/23

Episode 177. Good news, Gubbins is in today. Mike stoically delivers the annual Sturgis injury report, Dennis says goodbye to Robertson & Rodriguez. Who the hell is Lil Tay?

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Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Dennis Gubbins: @DGubs

John Tobin - Episode 1015

Episode 1015. If you love Boston comedy, this is a really great episode. My old friend John Tobin owns Laugh Boston and a bunch of other chuckle shacks around the country and has been part of the Boston scene for 30 years. Great dude.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 176 8/6/23

Episode 176. Giuliani is outdoing himself this week claiming he has breasts. Lizzo is sexually harassing and Zuckerberg prepares to lose his fight with Musk. Sadly, the video crashed. This week is audio only, sorry.

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Garage sale to support the WGA, golf with Greg and Mike:

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Rob Corddry - Episode 1014

Episode 1014. A marathon chat with my distant cousin Rob Corddry who has done much more with the angry, bald, Irish guy with dark rimmed glasses angle than I have. Thanks to my sponsor: for great prices on last-minute tickets. Use code Fitzdog for $20 off your first purchase





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 175 7/30/23

Episode 175. We start off funny, talking about syphilis, get funnier talking about Leprosy, bring it down to talk about the transcendent Sinead and then cheer you back up with some Sunday Funnies.

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Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Ali Siddiq - Episode 1013

Ali Siddiq is the real deal. After spending years in prison he has come out with a vengeance putting out 5 comedy specials and becoming one of the most powerful comics on the scene. We had an awesome time hangin out at the Comedy Store recording this.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 174 7/23/23

Episode 174. This week, Bernie Taupin takes a beating, as does an old man in a FLA theatre. Also, Hunter Biden porn, and Lana Del Rey waits tables at a Waffle House.

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Eat well with Factor Meals: and use code papers50

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Kirk Fox - Episode 1012

Kirk Fox opens up about his fantasies and we get into Budddhist thoughts of love and acceptance. An exquisite podcast for the summer.

This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at 





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 173 7/16/23

Episode 173. Phone call with Chaos another Tom O’Neill about the release of a Manson girl. The actors join the writers on the strike line and somebody farts at an RFK event. Larry Nassar gets stabbed and Italy decides it’s OK to grope, as long as it only lasts 10 seconds.

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Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime