Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 162 4/30/23

Episode 162. UFOs in Vegas, kids in IL driving the school bus, and Mike talks about being at the final Corden taping. A passenger on a South African flight gets a little handsy and Mike has something to say about Philly. 

Thanks to our sponsors: Promo code: Papers50

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

erik Griffin - Episode 1001

Erik Griffin comes by the studio to talk about tv writing, nudity, OnlyFans comedy and his hacky Black Jeopardy bit. Plus, we play Talk Your Way Out Of It.

Follow Erik Griffin on Instagram @ErikGriffin






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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 161 4/23/23

Episode 161. Greg is visited by the ghost of his father, a Bud Light drinker loses his shit, Gen Z is getting fired and Mexico’s president said we’re all on drugs.

Thanks to our sponsors: - get three extra months for free - use promo code Papers for $20 off your first purchase

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Zach Galifianakis - Episode 1000

It’s taken 13 1/2 years but I have now done 1,000 episodes! To celebrate, my dear friend Zach Golfinhackus met me at The Comedy Store and turned the tables by interviewing ME. Lots of laughs and an amazing time with a brilliant and decent human being.

Fitzdog Radio is sponsored by BetterHelp.






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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 160 4/16/23

Episode 160. Why is Lululemon making fun of Asian people? Why are old ladies in Missouri robbing banks? Why is Arnold Schwarzenegger filling potholes? Tune into Sunday Papers this week and you may walk away a little smarter.

Thanks to our sponsor: Go to for super comfortable shorts and pants. Use promo code: “Papers” and you’ll get a free, high quality tumbler.

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Graham Elwood - Episode 999

The 999th episode of Fitzdog Radio! Comedian/ Host/ producer Graham Elwood talks about living in Hawaii during the pandemic and drops some funny but philosophical bombs.


Follow Graham Elwood on Instagram @GrahamElwood 





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 159 4/9/23

Episode 159. Happy Easter! Filipino men are nailing themselves to the cross to celebrate, a fake cop pulls over a real cop, and Kid Rock is done with Bud Light. A Dutch man has fathered 550 children with sperm donations, and now there is fear of incest in The Netherlands.

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Jeremiah Watkins - Episode 998

Jeremiah Watkins talks about working his way up through the ranks at The Comedy Store and talks his way out of a tricky situation.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 158 4/2/23

Episode 158. Gwyneth dominates the white news cycle, and a N Carolina teacher tapes a kid's mouth shut. Elon Musk calls for a shutdown of AI, and two escaped inmates can’t escape the allure of a short stack at IHOP.

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

Thanks to our sponsor: enter code FITZDOG for $20 off

Tim Dillon - Episode 997

Tim Dillon tells hilarious stories about almost getting sued by his aunt and his days selling sub-prime mortgages. We also play “Talk Your Way Out of It.”This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 157 3/26/23

Episode 157. We talk about the big St Paddy's Day Show and dive into Kanye's sudden love for Jews, Congress’ hatred for Tik Tok, and a billionaire dumping his wife because she got dementia. Rick Allen, The drummer for Def Leppard was attacked and a principal in FLA is fired for allowing a class to see Michelangelo’s David.

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons 

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

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Adam Ray - Episode 996

Comedian/ Actor/ Friend Adam Ray talks about The Oscars, his new wife and his 1st hand job. 





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 156 3/19/23

Episode 156. We recorded in person for the 1st time! Better? Worse? You decide. Abortion, Drag Queens and a spy cam in a bathroom. Good wholesome news from your friends at Sunday Papers!

Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 155 3/12/23

Episode 155. We talk about tonight's’ Oscars and yesterday's Oscars. There are goats loose in San Francisco, cocaine leopards in Ohio and a woman in FLA caught with meth in a place only Fla Man should go. We do a quick (positive) review of Chris Rock's special and answer your questions.

Thanks to our sponsor: receive 60% off by going to promo code papers60 with Green Chef, the #1 meal kit for eating well.

Brad Williams - Episode 995

Comedian Brad Williams joins me at The Comedy Store to talk about hell gigs and parenting - and how similar they can be. 

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 154 3/5/23

Episode 154. Biden calls for a draft? Tom Brady is now a standup comedian, a lot of anti-drag politicians in drag and Florida woman gives a curious pee sample.

David Cross - Episode 994

Episode 994. David Cross talks about the early days in Boston doing Cross Comedy and getting stiffed on Gigs by shady bookers. He also talks about loving Salt Lake City even though he was interrogated by secret service after a show.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 153 2/26/23

Episode 153. Reports from the Springsteen concert and Dylan museum in Tulsa, a rain report on LA and snippets from the Kreischer tour. An alligator is found in Brooklyn, a day care worker is busted dosing the kids on Melatonin and fat kids are banned from a ride at Universal. And Gubbins got knee surgery.

Thanks to our sponsor:

To match with a licensed therapist today, go to, and use code PAPERS to ​get $100 off of your first month​ and show your support for the show.

Bert Kreischer - Episode 993

Episode 993. Bert Kreischer comes on from his arena tour of the south where we played to 15k people at a time. Crazy. 

Intro with comedian Dave Williamson. Plus, a conversation with Mark Smalls.

Thanks to my sponsor: - use code Fitzdog65 for 65% off plus free shipping





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 152 2/19/23

Episode 152. Greg is snubbed by his mom on Valentine's Day but gets some tips on being on Bert’s bus tour. Alabama is worried about UFOs, a TX woman finds a Pokemon that looks like a penis (because it is) and an asteroid is passing by Earth (lets hope).

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