Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 107 3/27/22

Episode 107. Big news week with March Madness and The Oscars this weekend. Also 2 gay guys adopt a gay dog, a Goop Exec quits over diarrhea, and a Brazilian woman gives a homeless man a special treat in her car.

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Big news week with March Madness and The Oscars this weekend. Also 2 gay guys adopt a gay dog, a Goop Exec quits over diarrhea, and a Brazilian woman gives a homeless man a special treat in her car.

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Tim Kazurinsky - Episode 949

Episode 949. From SNL, Curb, Second City and Police Academy Tim Kazurinsky talks about being discovered by John Belushi and his years on SNL with Eddie Murphy and Julia Louise Dreyfus. Great storyteller and amazing guest.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 106 3/20/22

Episode 106. Mike rests up after the St Paddy’s Day Parade in NYC and we discuss Danny Thomas, Pete Davidson in space, Bono’s poem, a homeless guy in FL enjoying himself a little too much in a Starbucks and how we can’t find a 3rd contestant for "Gubbins Bachelor”

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Solo Podcast - Episode 948

Episode 948. My second solo episode of the year with lots of sharing and some listener emails on this St. Patrick's Day Eve.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 105 3/13/22

Episode 105. Two Tennessee men attacked by an angry camel, Trump loves The Village People and Jesse Smollett is NOT going to kill himself. We're still looking for a wife for Dennis Gubbins and gas prices are so high The Freedom Convoy truckers are stuck in DC and can’t get home.

Thanks to our sponsor, Audible. Go to or text papers to 500-500

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Jessimae Peluso - Episode 947

Episode 947. Jessimae Peluso describes how she would survive in prison and tells me the hackiest bit she’s ever done.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 104 3/6/22

Episode 104. The Freedom Truck Convey is moving slower than the Russian troop convoy in Ukraine, the battle is on for Dennis Gubbins heart and there is briefly no joy on The View.

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Eddie Pepitone - Episode 946

Episode 946. My dear and hysterical friend Eddie Pepitone joins me in LA to talk about accepting yourself, painting and getting heckled in Edinburgh.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 103 2/27/22

Episode 103. We wrap our feeble heads around the Ukraine invasion and the history of the Molotov cocktail. 2 sets of identical twins marry each other, a cheerleader in FL kills 3 hookers and in a thrilling finale Gibbs walks us through his WORDLE solution from Friday.

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Mike Sacks - Episode 945

Greg Fitzsimmons with Mike Sacks

Episode 945. Mike Sacks has written about comedy for many years and has appeared in The New Yorker and Vanity Fair. His many books include "And Here's the Kicker," "Poking A Dead Frog" and the just released "Passing on the Right" (





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 102 2/20/22

Episode 102. Ice fishing shacks are the new jack shacks, a confederate flag burning in the Bayou, A Florida woman uses her relief $ to put a hit on a TSA worker, and the Queen mother pays a settlement for her garbage son Prince Andrew.

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Joe List - Episode 944

Episode 944. Standup standout Joe List talks about getting sober in NYC, playing softball for comedy club teams in Central Park and dancing next to Jerry Seinfeld.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 101 2/13/22

Episode 101. SUPERBOWL SUNDAY PAPERS! Our Rams tear up as Ellen steps in and crushes a dream. Our jackass review, a gambling nun and a man runs over another man for putting mayo on his sandwich.

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David Cross - Episode 943

Episode 943. David Cross hangs out and talks about early days of Cross Comedy in Boston and the difficulty of putting down his dog.

Follow David Cross on Instagram @DavidCrossOfficial





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 100 2/6/22

Episode 100. It’s the 100th Episode of Sunday Papers! We thank you for your support before diving into the new COVID-19 cure: drinking urine. Also a truckload of monkeys crashes in the midwest, Whoopi gets sent to her room and Rudy gets dissed.

Follow Dennis Gubbins on Instagram @dgubs 

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Ari Shaffir - Episode 942

Episode 942. Ari swings through LA to stir up some trouble. We talk about the beauty of forgiveness and the ugliness of Aris bowel movements.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 99 1/30/22

Episode 99. From ice cold Syracuse NY we bring you news about Jerry Falwell Jr’s wife banging the pool boy, the pope telling parents to love their gay kids as if they had a disease, and Disney defending their use of dwarves. Oh yeah and the Neil Young thing.

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Andy Richter - Episode 941

Episode 941. America loves Andy Richter! We discuss dumb people, career changes and going to therapy. Check out Andy’s awesome audio book “The Incredibly Inaccurate Biography of Andy Richter”.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 98 1/23/22

Episode 98. The Anne Frank narc is finally busted, a driverless Tesla takes some people out, and a review of Louie CK’s new special. Chinese officials are Covid-testing with anal swabs and we mark the passing of the greats Louie Anderson and Meat Loaf.

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Louie Anderson, Remembered

Here is my last conversation with the sweet, funny Louie Anderson.





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