Moses Storm - Episode 919

Episode 919. Exciting young comic Moses Storm talks about growing up in a doomsday cult and living in a bus as a child. He’s funny as hell and has a new HBO special this fall.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 73 7/25/21

Episode 73. Greg reveals his new tattoo and Mike continues his assault on Bernie Taupin. While Jeff Bezos flies through space, one of his pregnant workers miscarries after being denied lighter duty. We make it funny!

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Rachel Feinstein - Episode 918

Episode 918. From NYC’s Green Point, Rachel Feinstein takes time from touring and child-rearing to tell me about how her parents made her feel guilty for not having been born black.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 72 7/18/21

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Episode 72. Mike comes down on Bernie Taupin. Plus, COVID sniffing dogs, McConaughey running for Governor of TX, QAnon fights for Britney, and this week’s Emmy nominations.

GoFundMe links from listener, Jordan Hanson:

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Bobcat Goldthwait - Episode 917

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Episode 917. Bobcat once repelled down the stage naked at a Nirvana concert because it seemed like a good idea at the time. He also agreed to come back on my podcast, so he makes a lot of stupid decisions but he is here to talk about it all and announce a standup run this summer.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 71 7/11/21

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Episode 71. Mike reviews the Rogan/Chappelle/ Segura/ show in Vegas and reveals his new fixation on teen dramas. Giant Pandas are back! Will they now be hunted? Lot of love to fellow comics today. Positive Energy!

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 70 7/4/21

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Episode 70. Mike Zooms in from NY to talk about Cosby’s new standup tour dates, a Florida Man skulled by a medieval Axe and misadventures with Andy Dick.

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Rick Overton - Episode 916

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Episode 916. Comedian/ Actor/ Improviser Rick Overton talks about his years improvising with Robin Williams and how his father worked with Thelonious Monk and Dizzy Gillespie recording Bebop Jazz in NY in the 1950-s and 60’s.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 69 6/27/21

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Episode 69. Mike hits Greg with a quiz on Cancel Culture, John McAfee didn’t kill himself and Jeff Keane appears to have not tried very hard on Family Circus this week.

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Sam Morril - Episode 915

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Episode 915. Sam Morril and I talk about the special he shot on rooftops during the pandemic and whether it's okay to generalize about a race if you are saying nice things.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 68 6/20/21

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Episode 68. Greg and Mike celebrate Father's Day by discussing Batman being banned from oral sex by DC, Biden being banned from Communion by the Bishop and Atomik - an artisanal alcoholic spirit made from ingredients grown in the Chernobyl plant - being banned by the Russians.

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Ari Shaffir - Episode 914


Comedian/ provocateur / traveler Ari Shaffir talks about losing “Connect 4” games to Thai hookers and giving out pounds of mushrooms to his TV crew.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 67 6/13/21


Episode 67. Top story: Our daughters graduated high school together this week! Just as important, however, a nun with a gambling habit, topless photos of Elliot Page and a football coach in OH forces a Jewish kid to eat pork.

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Annie Lederman - Episode 913

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The funny and talented Annie Lederman comes in-studio. We talk about Venice Beach, getting roasted, documentaries and being California sober.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 66 6/6/21

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Episode 66. Obama talks about UFO’s while a 9 yr old girl steals the family car. Listeners submit their own captions for Family Circus and fan mail from a Danish boarding school proves the show has a long reach!

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Dan Cummins - Episode 912

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Comedian/podcaster Dan Cummins chose a mullet over women in high school and Idaho over Hollywood as an adult.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 65 5/30/21


Episode 65. Mike joins TikTok, a Starbucks barista a is fired for mocking a drink and Greg invites The Church of Scientology to kill his dog.

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Andrew Santino - Episode 911

Andrew Santino (Whiskey Ginger, Bad Friends) and I sit down in-person to talk cars, the Pacific ocean, why the Dutch are annoying and who will get skin cancer first.





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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 64 5/23/21

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Episode 64. Greg Zooms in from NYC while a FLA gator chases fat people through a Wendy’s parking lot. Someone pays Bezos $3M for 11 minutes in a space ship with him. Meanwhile you can spend 11 minutes with Mike in his closet for $37 cash.

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Joe Pantoliano (Joey Pants) - Episode 910

From "The Sopranos," "The Matrix," "Bad Boys" and Hoboken, NJ Joe Pantoliano (Joey Pants) comes on with his awesome daughter Daniella and talks acting, depression and being Italian in Connecticut.





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