Alan Zweibel - Episode 871


Alan Zweibel was one of the 1st writers hired on SNL in 1975 and is responsible for some of the most iconic characters and bits in the show’s history. He also mentored me when I was in high school. It was amazing reconnecting with him to talk about his new memoir.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 23 8/9/20

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In an episode where we apologize to one group it is entirely possible that we offended 2 others. Our first Rap theme song!

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Loni Love - Episode 870


We spent years doing VH1 shows and Chelsea Lately panels together. Loni Love joins Fitzdog Radio for a short conversation about the entertainment industry and her new memoir, “I Tried to Change So You Don’t Have To: True Life Lessons."

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 22 8/3/20

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Greg and Mike continue to NOT violate their Non Disclosure Agreements from working on Ellen but they do give advice on how to be a good roommate. Do not do what the guy in CT did; chop your roommates head off with a sword.

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Thursday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep 1 - 7/30/20

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Welcome to the FIRST EPISODE of #ThursdayPapers. A 20-minute companion piece to #SundayPapers that goes deeper into the shallowest stories in the news.

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Michael Imperioli & Steve Schirripa - Episode 869

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Sopranos stars Michael Imperioli and Steve Schirripa talk about a restaurant in Harlem (Rao’s) where you can’t get a table unless you are Scorsese, the mayor, or were on the Sopranos. P.S. Greg’s dad died there.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 21 7/26/20

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Big news week! Fauci’s first pitch and Trader Joe’s avoiding getting cancelled by Whole Foods. Also, Dagwood almost throws a move on Blondie.

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Mark Normand - Episode 868


I talk with Mark Normand about New York comedy and his massively successful YouTube special, "Mark Normand: Out to Lunch." 

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 20 7/19/20


On this week's Sunday Papers, Nick Cannon loses some jobs, Mike goes deep on Jaws, and sports are back! Plus, we remember the great John Lewis.

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Rory Scovel - Episode 866

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The great Rory Scovel returns to the show to talk about his time on The Eric Andre Show and how great his ass once was.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 18 7/5/20

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Things we make fun of on this week’s Sunday Papers: Greg’s voice, Vanilla Ice’s career & Dagwood. Things we praise: Fraternity Covid.

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Jonathan Katz - Episode 865

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One of my heroes from my Boston days Jonathan Katz hangs out and makes me cry laughing. And then he laughs at me crying.

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Russell Peters - Episode 864

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In my first face-to-face interview since March, I head to Russell Peters' mansion man cave where he tells me about Patrice O'Neal and Keith Robinson roasting his first stand-up special.

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 16 6/21/20


It’s not easy doing a comedy podcast during these charged times, and Mike and Greg have again failed to deliver something appropriate. They say goodbye to Eskimo Pies and confederate flags at Talladega. The Family Circus brings Mike to a boil, matched only by Greg’s hatred for Dagwood.

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