Episode 207. It’s Oscar night and we make out picks. A Georgia man takes drugs and arrests cops, Kellogg's CEO suggests breakfast for dinner, coffee grounds cure Parkinson's, and if you need adrenal you are shit out of luck.
Get the Sunday Papers coozie: Venmo: @gibbonstime $10 In the Venmo notes, put your name and address Get in touch (or send logos/songs): fitzdogradio@gmail.com
Find Mike on Venmo here: https://venmo.com/u/GibbonsTime
Thanks to our sponsors:
http://gametime.co - download the app, use code: Papers
Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram:
Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons
Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime
Thanks to Heil Sound for the new microphones https://heilsound.com