Greg Fitzsimmons

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 254 3/2/25

Who will win the Oscars? How did Gene Hackman die? How did the pope live? Also, a couple sits beside a corpse on a 4-hour flight.

Watch Greg’s new special, “You Know Me” and subscribe on YouTube!

Email caption submissions to subject line: “Comic Contest”

Get the Sunday Papers coozie: Venmo: @gibbonstime $10 In the Venmo notes, put your name and address Get in touch (or send logos/songs):

Find Mike on Venmo here:

Make sure to follow Greg and Mike on Instagram: 

Greg Fitzsimmons: @GregFitzsimmons

Mike Gibbons: @GibbonsTime 

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Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 254 3/2/25

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